
As the youngest of 5 children, Heiko Laux was always the rebel in the family challenging norms even in his youth. To this day his stimulating approach to electronic music has showcased his ability to flutter between genres with various aliases, projects and sounds. Founded...

Insolate stands as a defining figure in the Croatian techno circuit, achieving international acclaim over two decades as both a revered DJ and producer, and the driving force behind the esteemed Out Of Place label, as well as the electrifying HUSH! and TRAUM events. With her...

Lady Starlight, born Colleen Martin in 1975, has forged a unique path in the music world, blending techno with rock and performance art. Known for her raw, hardware-based live shows, she gained initial fame touring with Lady Gaga, using the platform to introduce a wider...

A truly prolific artist, Mark Broom has a myriad of production credits to his name having worked with world renowned labels such as Blueprint Records, Rekids, M-plant, EPM, Cocoon, Bpitch Control, Warp Records and the legendary Ifach with Baby Ford. It all started in the summer...

Mike Dearborn, a Chicago born and raised Producer/DJ is a veteran of the electronic music scene. He has been DJ’ing since 1985 and has been producing/remixing since 1989. He has recorded for legendary Chicago labels Warehouse/Muzique Records and Chicago Trax and he has also recorded...

DJ and producer Wouter de Moor is one of those guys who conquer the world with a smile. Labeled by many as the ideal son in law, known by his direct circle as a person of unlimited energy, drive and enthusiasm for dance music in all...

Nastia, the Ukrainian DJ whose real name is Anastasia Topolskaia started her career in 2005. In a short time, she became a curator of KISS FM stage and a resident at the legendary Kazantip festival, she also hosted her weekly live radio show from 2006...

‘Extremely versatile and blessed with a childlike curiosity for music and its machines, yet always self-critical, modest, and soft spoken’. When asked, that’s probably more or less how most colleagues and friends will describe Steve Rachmad. Over the years, Holland’s undefeated heavyweight champ has been...

Introducing the enigmatic sound architect who has been shaping the electronic music landscape since 1992, none other than Rob Acid. With a relentless dedication to his craft, Rob Acid has been a driving force in the realm of live acid techno music, infusing every performance...

Robert made his first record on borrowed equipment in 1992 and played his first gig on gear he'd never used before. “I had no musical background or knowledge, no clue what I was doing. I just improvised music. But for the first time in my...