DJ Isis News

Being in the industry which is dominated by man for more the 25 years, Dutch TV station SBS interviewed DJ Isis about the lack of female DJ's at festivals and clubs and how to proceed. Check this Dutch only item here!...

Isis & Mozes will perform an attractive live set in which deep house productions melt with the sounds of singer Laura Sestri and percussionist Joshua Samson. Entrée Presents will introduce this exciting new project to all of you. A must-see for this festival summer! All this will...

Legendary pop temple and club Paradiso is turning 50 this year. In honor of this the VPRO made a radioshow in which DJ Isis was one of the guests. You can hear Isis talking about the Paradiso from minute 20 to 40 (Dutch only)....

We're very glad to add a new act to our roster! Isis & Mozes is a new Live act who will appear together on stage with their mutual 1 hour live set. Mozes is playing live guitar and Isis is responsible for a part of the...

DJ Isis played for Trippin Jaguar's Shakuar show at the recently started, Amsterdam based Radio Nachtlab. Click here to watch the stream of the show (DJ Isis plays second hour)....

3voor12 (3FM) called DJ Isis in honour of her 25th DJ anniversary where she presents some of her old and new favourite tracks! Click here to listen to the 3voor12 episode with DJ Isis.  ...

AD is coming your way! We will be celebrating our 15th anniversary all throughout 2018. AD artists such as Steve Rachmad, STERAC, The Advent, G Flame, Heiko Laux and Vince Watson will make exclusive appearances at special tour events around the globe. At the moment we confirmed various dates...