REVIEW | Nastia’s talk at Nuits Sonores Lab

REVIEW | Nastia’s talk at Nuits Sonores Lab

Nuits sonores Lab presented three days of discussions, workshops, conferences and other formats blending debate and music.The discussions were well attended throughout, attracting a constant stream of young festival-goers with a keen interest in listening to 60 artists, activists, thinkers, journalists and actors from the independent culture sector all over Europe, who each echoed the vibrations currently being felt around the world.

Nastia, representing the Ukrainian electronic scene, reminded the attendees that, a year
on from the start of the invasion by Russia, a host of solidarity networks remain active throughout Ukraine. Young people are still dancing, clubs remain open, online radio stations carry on broadcasting Ukrainian music, and artists continue to create, laying claim to “the vital power of joy, of celebration.”

Read the full review here.

You can now listen to Nastia’s talk below!

Photo credits: William Chareyre