02 Sep VIDEO | Short film by “Them w/ Noncompliant
Unique short film, featuring one of the most unique DJ’s walking around this planet, Noncompliant.
“Lisa Smith has been DJing since the mid-’90s; an Indiana native, she got her start in the Midwest’s Rust Belt rave scene, first as DJ Shiva and then, since 2016, as Noncompliant. She chose the name as a reference to the comic series Bitch Planet, in which women who are deemed “non-compliant” within a dystopian world — women who are “too loud or too opinionated, or too quiet or too religious, too atheist, too Black, too brown, too any of the things that they don’t want you to be,” as writer Kelly Sue DeConnick told NPR — are sent to a prison planet, and tattooed with the letters NC.” – Them
Full interview here.