03 Sep STERAC – 11 EP (Kanzleramt)
Boy was this worth the wait: Steve Rachmad’s first full solo contribution on Kanzleramt was on our wish-list for at least a decade.
Just in time to start our 25th anniversary series “STERAC – 11“ is mastered and ready. Steve is showing all his experience and history so masterfully, that you almost can touch glimpses of the future. E
“11“ is about the meaning of the number 11 and what figures it stands for.
Announcements: Resident Advisor | Clubbing Spain | Parkett Italy | Medellin Style | Tech Clubbers
01 The Messenger
02 The Illuminator
03 The Teacher
Feedback Selection
– Alex.Do (Dystopian): “Just fantastic. Thanks a lot.”
– Mark Broom: “Cool stuff from the master, Messenger is my pick!”
– Ø [Phase]: “beautiful. thanks !”
– DJ Bone: Been playing The Teacher out for quite a while now. Absolutely love this release!
– Matrixxman: BOSS
– Surgeon:: Lovely stuff. Will play in my DJ sets.
– Ben Sims: killers, big thx!
– Laurent Garnier: THE TEACHER — ohhhhhh yesssssss