Sterac News

Although the title says Steve Rachmad, this set is a STERAC recording. Listen below to Steve's Inverted Audio podcast! INVERTED AUDIO · IA MIX 335 Steve Rachmad  ...

More than 20 years after it was first launched, Gaetano Parisio has revived his well regarded techno label Conform Records. The new era starts with a new CONFORM RE-TOUCHED SERIES which will be released in four volumes over the coming months and contain classic Conform...

Steve Rachmad sat down with Aron Friedman from The Golden Hour for an interesting conversation! "With life going at an ever faster pace, our aim is to connect people through a shared slow-listening experience. Each month, we invite extraordinary artists to share with us the music...

New STERAC podcast for Mexican based platform The Forgotten. The two hour during set is recorded during his performance at Le SIRK festival last year.  ...

In addition to his new years eve appearance in Los Angeles in two weeks, he had had a chat with LA based 6AM. Click here to read the full interview!...