
Cisco Ferreira, known as The Advent and based in London, can be described in a variety of ways: as a musician, a trailblazer, a sound designer, a consistent presence, a tenacious individual, a rebel, an icon, an outsider, and a remarkable live performer. However, The Advent...

With a career spanning nearly three decades, Alexander Kowalski’s story is a living testament to the legacy of Berlin techno. His journey began in the late 90s amidst the city’s cultural revolution, ignited by the emergence of techno music. Debuting in 1997 under the moniker...

It may be a new name, but Amorphic is not a new artist. With more than 20+ years of releasing Techno on many top labels, the time had come for Vince Watson to finally explore this direction under a new alias. Bringing dark energy, hypnotic polyrhythms...

d_func. isn't just a techno project—it's a deep dive into sonic exploration by prolific techno artist Alexander Kowalski. With a focus on modern techno enriched by intricate sound design and the use of modular systems and software, d_func. introduces an innovative approach to electronic music. At...

Differ-Ent is DJ Bone’s alias for electro / drum’n bass / obscure. Differ-Ent is the other side of Bone's Gemini being. He is Detroit techno's orphaned son. He's darker, more aggressive and straight to the point but still manages to remain beautiful in a very twisted...

In 1988 Dimitri obtains his first residency at club Richter in Amsterdam and starts spinning at the legendary RoXY. He is one of the first DJs to mix a house record with breakbeats or drum ‘n bass: not only mixing those two records together by...

DisX3 emerged from the depths of Berlin's underground techno scene in 1997, finding its genesis amidst the pulsating beats of the legendary club, "Tresor." With his action-driven machine live set, he quickly carved a niche for itself with its raw, uncompromising sound. As the inaugural project...

"(Underground)" is basically being able to choose for yourself what you enjoy, not having it forced on you...

Doc Ciroc is DJ Bone’s house & disco alias. "(Underground)" is basically being able to choose for yourself what you enjoy, not having it forced on you...

Real name: Francisco Ferreira. Most good musicians have different musical arms and such is the case with Cisco, who among other things records under the name of G Flame. With the G Flame project, Cisco is building on his love of music and delving into...