The Advent

Cisco Ferreira, known as The Advent and based in London, can be described in a variety of ways: as a musician, a trailblazer, a sound designer, a consistent presence, a tenacious individual, a rebel, an icon, an outsider, and a remarkable live performer.

However, The Advent is primarily recognised for his unique take on what we refer to as Techno. From the moment the young Portuguese Cisco encountered Acid House in the London clubs he frequented, his mission has been to carve out his niche in the electronic music landscape. As he recently expressed, “I’ve been doing this for quite a few years and I’m not going anywhere,” which encapsulates his determination. Unlike some of his peers, you won’t catch Ferreira engaging in sensationalistic antics or fretting over the integrity of mainstream artists. He embodies everything you appreciate about techno, minus the unnecessary theatrics.

After finishing college, Cisco’s passion for sound opened the door to a role as an assistant sound engineer in numerous recording studios. There, he honed his ability to convert emotions into sound while recording a range of high-profile artists across Rock, Pop, Dance, and Reggae genres. When one of 1st house labels ‘Jack Trax’ set up next door, Cisco began recording for notable names like Adonis, Fingers Inc, Marshall Jefferson, and Derrick May. These experiences inspired his initial EPs released on R&S Records, Network and Fragile.

In 1994, Ferreira secured a record deal on Internall/FFRR for 12 EPs and 3 albums alongside Colin McBean. This marked the start of an era during which the duo established a global benchmark for high-quality underground Electro and Techno. They burst onto the scene with a novel sound, both as The Advent and under the alias ‘G Flame (Cisco) and Mr G’, which Colin continues to use today. Currently, The Advent operates as a solo project, captivating audiences worldwide with its signature raw and energetic sound.

Agenda The Advent
MonthDayEvent + info
March14 Frib2b Ruiz OSC1 @ STAMINA, OXI Berlin, Berlin, Germany
March15 SatCOLLISION, Dissonanze, Baronissi, Italy
March22 SatJoy, District, Leeds, England
March29 SatBASEMENT Club Night, BASEMENT, New York, United States
April26 SatAura, Radion Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
May17 SatTresor Klubnacht, Tresor Club Berlin, Berlin, Germany
May23 FriDJ SET, Church of St. Bartholomeus, Teplice, Czech Republic
July04 FriNeighbourhood, Tunnel Club, Birmingham, England
August02 SatAbyss, Room 2, Glasgow, Scotland
August08 Frib2b Lewis Fautzi @ Neopop Festival, Fortaleza de Santiago da Barra, Viana do Castelo, Portugal
August09 SatDance Valley Festival, Spaarnwoude, Velzen-Zuid, Netherlands