Parallel 9

‘Extremely versatile and blessed with a childlike curiosity for music and its machines, yet always self-critical, modest, and soft spoken’. When asked, that’s probably more or less how most colleagues and friends will describe Steve Rachmad. Over the years, Holland’s undefeated heavyweight champ has been creating numerous alter egos to reflect the diversity in both his interests and his output.

However, so far only a few of these characters have made it into the DJ booth. As Sterac, Steve delivers straight forward, stripped down techno. This has earned him a loyal following among the heads in clubs as Berghain. If you catch him playing as Steve Rachmad, the widely interested musical hippie takes usually over. On those nights, you’ll hear the best tracks from various genres, skilfully blended with many of his own originals, edits, and reworks. Thirdly, Sterac Electronics allows for a musical excursion to the 80’s disco era, when synths produced sounds fatter than a butter and cream sandwich, and gear only came in 3-D. This of course still is the dominant format in Rachmad’s studio today.

Now it seems the time is right to add a fourth permanent protagonist to Steve’s story: Parallel 9. This guy prefers to take the listener on a ride along the hypnotizing cliffs of the underground. A P9 set pays homage to timeless deepness. Tracks come from vintage deep house imprints, legendary dub (techno) producers, or befriended craftsmen with a similar attraction to the musical abyss.

Parallel 9 allows Rachmad to show a different side of himself onstage. It’s another way of speaking with the crowd through the four to the floor framework. And, whether it’s a 20-year-old classic or a recent release, Parallel 9 productions seem to always speak this same language. A vocabulary that lies at the heart of Rachmad’s personality: pure, profound, honest, and loving.

Agenda Steve Rachmad
MonthDayEvent + info
February08 SatColin Benders & Sterac live, Berghain / Panorama Bar, Berlin, Germany
February15 SatSTERAC @ Rembrandt Städel Night, Staedel Museum, Frankfurt, Germany
February22 SatLes Enfants pres. Steve Rachmad, Les Enfants Brillants, Barcelona, Spain
February28 FriParadox Presents: Sterac, Bodyshop Studios, Toronto, Canada
March01 SatSTERAC @ BASEMENT Club Night, BASEMENT, New York, United States
March07 FriSTERAC @ Vantek, Industrial 236, Vancouver, Canada
March08 SatSTERAC @ COMPOUND x Klockworks, Secret Warehouse - Please do not share or post the location on socials, Los Angeles, United States
March14 FriSTERAC @ Project Aura, Poppodium 013, Tilburg, Netherlands
April25 FriSTERAC, Ampere, Antwerp, Belgium
May05 MonSterac @ Wazr Sessions 02, Barkade, Den Bosch, Netherlands
June07 SatSterac B2B Bastienne @ 909 Festival: 15-year anniversary, Amsterdamse Bos, Amstelveen, Netherlands
June07 SatKomm schon Alter festival, Tuinen van West, Amsterdam, Netherlands