12 Mar ANNOUNCEMENT | STERAC Curator Workshop, Cape Town SA
Curator Bookings and Vault present this workshop with STERAC at the Gorgeous George Hotel in Cape Town South Africa on March 25th at 19:00 local time.
The workshop will consist of a 1 hour chat with Steve about his such as his career, touring, his production process and playing live. This will be the 8th iteration of these workshops, with previous talks having hosted the likes of DVS1, Tripeo, Sandrien, Dasha Rush, Alan Oldham and Dimi Angelis to name a few.
The talks are free of charge (a sign-up is required to gain entry) for the local community and are very well supported and allow for local music heads to engage with the artist outside of the club and learn from some of the OG’s in our international scene.
The talk takes place in the conference room of the Gorgeous George boutique hotel, a partner with us on this educational program.