05 Dec NEWS | Dimitri 40 Tour Announcement
After the opening show of his 40 year celebration sold out within 10 minutes, we are very pleased to announce Dimitri’s 40-year anniversary tour!
Dear Friends, Esteemed Colleagues, and Cherished Dimitri Enthusiasts,
It is with the deepest sense of joy and boundless pride that we unveil to you the commemorative milestone of Dimitri’s illustrious 40-year odyssey in the realm of music.
For many of us, Dimitri has been the maestro of the dance floor, orchestrating our joyous movements through the night. His musical genius has not only defined the contours of house and techno but has also been pivotal in the evolution of the electronic soundscape in the Netherlands and across the globe. He hasn’t just played music; he has taught us the rhythm of life, touched our souls, and set our feet in motion for innumerable euphoric hours across countless dance floors.
To refer to him merely as a legend is, we believe, not enough. Dimitri is not just a part of our history; he is woven into the very fabric of our present and indelibly inked into our future. In 2024, we will pause to honor this maestro; 40 years of music – a testament to his enduring legacy.
The inaugural spectacle at Amsterdam’s Paradiso in March 2024 may have sold out in the blink of an eye, but our ambition stretches far beyond. We aspire to traverse the Low Lands and reach every corner of the globe, sharing the magic of Dimitri’s craft. Anticipate marathon sets, surprise guests, and immersive experiences, with poetic interludes by Wordbites and mesmerizing visuals by VJ100-KAAP, who have been Dimitri’s comrades in art for decades. Our aim? To transform each venue, from clubs to poppodia to festivals, into a sanctuary of sound and celebration.
Stay tuned for further info…
Should you envisage an opportunity to weave your narrative into the ‘Dimitri 40: The Celebration of a Lifetime’ tour in 2024, please reach out.
With heartfelt regards and musical euphoria,
Manuela, Ozum, Dominic & the ever-vibrant spirit of Dimitri himself