05 Jun NEWS | Invitation only album listening party by DJ Bone
We cordially invite you to the industry & friends invitation only release and listening party of DJ Bone’s new FURTHER album on Thursday, June 15 from 20:00 till end at Radion in Amsterdam.
RVSP to manuela@ad-sound.com and info@djbonegoesfurther.com by June 13; drinks are on the Artist 🙂
After a 5 year hiatus, DJ Bone at last returns to his Subject Detroit label one final time, with new album FURTHER, the final chapter not just of his Beyond album trilogy, but of the 25 year history of Subject Detroit itself. As the final new release from DJ Bone on the label he started in 1998, FURTHER opens the door to a new era which will launch later this year with a new imprint of the same name.
Read more about the album here.