07 Mar Sterac – Another Moog On Acid (Reclaim Your City)
Back with its tenth iteration in near half a decade of intense activity, the Rotterdam-via-Berlin based outlet is set to enter a new aesthetic cycle, sloughing its old skin for a brighter, all the more edgy one.
Not content with counting some of the finest names in today’s techno landscape on board in the persons of Oscar Mulero, Psyk, Sterac and Dimi Angélis, ‘RYCL010 – Amsterdam/Madrid’ is the occasion for Reclaim Your City to take a new breath and explore deeper the intrinsic values and key-words that make for the label’s very raison d’être: music, energy, action, city, quality, art, underground, activism, rebellion, global community.
Click here for the Resident Advisor Premier of Sterac’s “Another Moog On Acid”.
Release date | 19/03/2019